Parenting Rewired:

it's never too late!

Stay mentally resilient and healthy as you care for your children during COVID-19

The Struggle is Real

We know how difficult it is to be a parent especially in this season. Isolation from friends, work, and school amplify our family connections. Kids are spending more time at home with mom and dad, and parents are catapulted into learning new nurturing skills.

Parenting Rewired is here to provide you with tools, skills and strategies. We offer Mindful Parenting workshops, advice from experts, interviews, and more. We invite you to engage, ask questions, share challenges and stories and build a more mindful parenting community.

Welcome to Parenting Rewired.

Our Mission is to change the world by guiding one family at a time.

Our upcoming three-session Parenting Rewired Mini Course gives you the beginning tools to develop as a mindful parent. Join in as we develop a mindful parenting movement!

Parenting Rewired Mini-Course

Join in this three session mini-course to learn a new way to think, act, and connect with your child.

During the three sessions you learn data-driven skills and tools that support you on your parenting journey. This leads you to becoming a more intentional and effective parent. The Parenting Rewired mini-course guides you to think in a new way so you can improve as a parent while remaining mentally healthy and connected to your children.

Course Overview

We model what we think and know. We cannot model what we don't know. The dynamic of your thought-to-action with your children has a generational effect. While quarantine has had its challenges, many parents have had the benefit of spending extra time with their children. This experience is an adjustment for children and parents alike. According to an article from USA Today, the CV-19 quarantine and the resulting solitude is impacting children. Now is a great time to learn how mindful parenting can enhance your skills and improve the quality of life for your children and you.

The Parenting Rewiring mini-course covers:

  • What is mindfulness and how can being mindful help me be a better parent

  • What old “stories” keep us from learning and practicing mindful parenting

  • What “Mindless” parenting looks like

  • What is happening in kids’ and our brains

  • Meditation for kids and parents

  • What are triggers for you? What are triggers for your kids?

  • Tapping into our inner calm

  • Naming, acknowledging and dealing with feelings/emotions mindfully

  • Redirecting – does it work?

  • How do we stay in the most mindful state

  • Allowing kids to “be themselves” and what we’re saying if we don’t

  • Tools and strategies to practice

Practical tools: Sample

Brain Hand Model for Kids

Course Benefits and Times

What you get...

  • Permanent access to review videos and exercises over and over

  • Access to a private Parenting Rewired Facebook page

  • Continuously updated resources, articles, and activities

  • On-demand video library

  • Subject Matter expert interviews and resources

Parenting Rewired