Mindful Rewiring

Do you want to increase your focus, stay present and manage your emotions?

Are you a leader who wants to grow your team to be more connected, collaborative and creative?

Let us help you train your brain for success through knowledge & practice!

On-Demand Course Includes:

  • 21-days of instructor-led learning about incorporating mindfulness and growth-mindset into your daily life

  • 10-15 minute micro-lessons

  • Understanding the impact of mindfulness through data and research

  • Over 50 resources and exercises

  • 21 days of downloadable meditations


Lower stress

Decrease anxiety

Stay present and focused- not ruminating on the past or fearful of the future

Be responsive not reactive

Stay out of "overwhelm"


Learn techniques that create "open minds" before meetings

Decrease the triggers that stop creativity

Exercises for yourself and teams that promote innovation


"Openness to experience" is linked to longevity

New skills = career advancement

It's hard to be an "adult beginner" and learn new things - yet it is one of the most enhancing things you can do.

The more we learn new things, the faster we learn and the more we improve memory

Hi, I'm Kim Zoller...

I want to share with you how over the past 30 years I've focused my life on empowering people like you to be more successful in their personal and professional lives. It's about getting and giving your best self in every moment. Click on the video to learn more.

What You'll Gain

The science, data and tactical tools to:

Deal with daily stressors and respond not react.

Stay present by not thinking about past events or worrying about the future.

Make clear and skillful decisions.

Be a more effective leader and communicator.

Stressed? Overwhelmed?

This Mindful Rewiring Course Will Help!

Finding it difficult to stay present in meetings?

Having trouble with your work-life balance?

"Kim’s techniques have allowed me to fall asleep more easily and better control my anxiety, which has improved my quality of life. Kim is kind, thoughtful, and very easy to relate to. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to connect with her."

Angela Seligman, PhD

Job Environmental Scientist Division of Air Quality, State of North Dakota

Want to see what this is all about?

What Is Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and non- judgmentally.”

--Jon Kabat-Zinn, microbiologist-turned meditation teacher--

Why is Meditation Such an Important Part of Mindfulness?

Meditation is a set of techniques used to develop mindfulness, promote calmness, and increase relaxation.

Many studies suggest that this mind and body practice may reduce blood pressure, relieve pain, lower the risk of depression, and enhance overall well-being.


Meditate with me!

Try the sample below and see how it works first hand. Just let go of all expectations and have fun! ~ Kim

Kim’s mindfulness sessions have inspired me to take time for myself and meditate. By attending her guided mediation sessions, I have been learning valuable skills that help remind myself to slow down and be in the moment. Through Kim’s guidance, I am also learning that it is okay to have anxious thoughts but to look ahead and try to take the emotion out of things when I can and know that they are just thoughts. Her bright, caring and inviting personality makes me feel very connected and wanting to come back for more feel-good moments!

--Courtney H., Bank of North Dakota--

I am currently in recovery for alcoholism and the sessions are a great resource to help me stay in the present and deal with not going back out. I have been sober for just over a year and with your sessions and help, I know that I will have the resources and ability to continue to stay sober and live a better way of life.

--Doug M., State Government--

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