Would you like more

credibility? Influence? Be

more impactful?

Professional Edge Online Course

Will Help YOU!

Have you ever felt like your talents and skills are not

being recognized in the workplace?

Do you feel like that promotion you've been wanting is

just beyond your reach?

Do you want people to know how good you are at what

you do?

This course will provide you with tools to succeed and

tackle through these roadblocks!

Hi, I'm Kim Zoller

For 29 years I have been working with leaders around the world teaching the the skills they need to succeed. We have trained over 200,000 people and I have written three books and Leadership and Behavior Alignment. I look forward to being your guide to enhancing your edge and career. I'm excited to go on this journey with you.

Please click below to find learn more and start growing...Kim

Professional Edge is YOUR Key to Career Advancement!

Professional Edge will help you develop confidence in the workplace, effectively interact with those around you, and give you tools to unlock your career potential!

Many hardworking and skilled employees find themselves in this position as their career reaches a plateau and they are wondering how to keep advancing.

Oftentimes, these talented employees are simply missing one thing; professional presence. Professional presence is the perception that an individual has substance and authority, is capable, trustworthy, and inspiring followers. Professional presence is your Professional Edge!

Course Benefits and Overview

In this course, you will:

  • Craft your own authentic and relevant personal brand

  • Learn about your personal core (temperament, mindset, and values).

  • Understand the factors that create your personal presence

  • Assess your social and emotional intelligence

  • Define political astuteness in your workplace

  • Identify technical competence strategies

  • Create a roadmap for success

This course provides:

  • Over 4.5 hours of video lectures

  • Professional Edge workbook and section activities

  • DISC personality assessment

  • Career insights that last a lifetime

Professional Edge Course

Sharpen Your Executive Presence and Refine Your Workplace Influence with Professional Edge

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